IDB Health and Safety
The Innovation and Design Building is eager to welcome tenants back to the building. Please be assured we have put a laser focus on health and safety throughout the building following requirements and recommendations from the CDC and MA government. Several measures have been implemented across the IDB to encourage safety for staff and visitors including:
IDB employees, guests, and visitors are asked to follow face covering recommendations from the CDC and local health departments.
Increased cleaning schedules have been implemented with special attention on high-traffic, regularly used areas including: restrooms, common-areas, furniture, door handles, and elevators.
Foot pulls have been installed in restrooms and other no-touch door functionality has been added across the IDB.
EPA-approved hand sanitizer is available throughout the common areas.
There is signage throughout the property encouraging adherence to local laws and CDC guidelines including social distancing, hand washing, and mask wearing.
On-site food and beverage offerings will employ touchless point of sale systems to prevent crowds gathering.
Not all measures have been included on this list, please reach out to Property Management if additional information is needed. Welcome back, we look forward to seeing you!