COVID Testing at Concentric by Ginkgo Bioworks

Since September 2020, one of our IDB tenants, Ginkgo Bioworks has provided access to a saliva-based PCR diagnostic test to individuals and organizations in the Seaport community. To make accessing this service easy for our community, their testing service Concentric by Ginkgo opened a COVID-19 testing center located at The Innovation and Design Building (IDB) at 23 Drydock Avenue.

Concentric is excited to announce that starting February 2021, their IDB testing center will also offer a rapid antigen test with an average turnaround time of 10 minutes. These tests are administered using nasal swabs.

The Concentric testing service is designed to support businesses and organizations in their reopening plans. Concentric has been providing on-site COVID-19 testing services to multiple organizations, including schools and large businesses, in Boston and across the Northeast. They take the health and safety of their test-takers, neighbors, and community very seriously and adhere to authorized testing protocols, CDC guidelines, and FDA regulations.


How Concentric by Ginkgo’s COVID-19 test works and how much it costs

●       Concentric by Ginkgo now provides two test options:

    • Nasal swab-based rapid antigen diagnostic test1

    • Saliva-based PCR diagnostic test1

●       After filling out a brief online health questionnaire2, test takers can visit the Concentric Test Center at IDB to provide a test sample. The collection process can be done in less than 5 minutes.

●       The turnaround time and cost of testing differs by test type.

    • For the rapid antigen tests, results are provided with an average turnaround time of 10 minutes. The total price per test at Concentric’s test center is $50 for the rapid antigen test.

    • For the PCR tests, Concentric targets a turnaround time of 3 days or less from the time they receive your sample to the time they share your test results. A normal turnaround time could take between 2 to 4 days. The total price per test at Concentric’s test center is $95 for the PCR test.


Learn More

Please visit if you are interested in learning more or signing up your organization for COVID-19 testing at Concentric’s Seaport Test Center. 


Please Note

The Concentric test center at IDB is not a healthcare facility and is not intended for individuals seeking treatment for symptoms of COVID-19. If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention right away:

●       Trouble breathing

●       Persistent pain or pressure in chest

●       New confusion

●       Inability to wake or stay awake

●       Bluish lips or face

●       or any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you



1- The tests have been authorized by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and is for use in individuals with symptoms of COVID-19.

2- Access to the diagnostic test requires obtaining a physician order. Concentric’s testing service also provides access to an integrated physician network to request approval.